The secret to achieving a dream—DON'T focus on it? Can focusing too hard on a dream be detrimental to you achieving your goal? Sean Young, PhD, of the UCLA Center for Digital Behavior thinks so. “We gotta appreciate the day to day moments," he says, "the steps along the way, because that’s what keeps us on track and keeps us focused.” Young’s research suggests that those who can train their minds to celebrate the small steps along the way have the highest rate of success with regard to reaching their goals. Learning how to appreciate these small steps is the way to sticking with a goal. If your goal is to play on a big stage in front of thousands of people, you first have to be excited about playing in front of your friends or playing one song at a coffee stop. Just because you take your mind off of the end goal doesn’t mean you have to be less excited about the process. These small steps are the most important.• • •Join us for members-only access to Dr. Sean Young and to many more of UCLA’s #1-ranked faculty ►